Friday, April 30, 2010

runaway brides:)

it was supposed to be chemy class.
but mase msuk kelas ngn tirah, the mod math tcher slowly masok lam class too.
erk ?
cheahh yanie natiq sampai, ikot diorg nk cabut lari ;D
cekgu pandang pelik jepp -_-"
i'm not bad, nakkal jep. heheh,
plus, mod math tcher tuh dun like geng2 nehh. hehehh * alasan !
diorg2 pon call kwn diorg suh pick up.
mne ade ramai. 7 org jepp yg skipping2 neh. 5e2 4 org, 5e3 3 org. ;)
we waited at some kampong house for an hour or so.
and when our ride came, himpit2 nk masok lam kete myvi tuhh. hahaaa. muat la !
yeahh i duk atas riba madiee, soryy madiee sygg, i berat, i taw x) tp skejap jew kann ^^
we dropped fatin off at her house.
oh and sorg g blek tusyen.
at first plan nk hang out ngn diorg skali,
tapii, kpale ku trase berdenyut2. mate pon beratt..
eheh, balek tdo sat. 
woke up, hadap laptop ahh. sampai skg ;D

hehehh, i love these moments < 3


  1. eh eh ifa ni. ap nk jadi ha asyik ponteng tsyen je hahhh? :)

  2. uhhh, xtaw laa. nk cner. ifa msok kempen ponteng tusyen jugakk :D

  3. ifa.
    jht hang nie tau.
    getau cik na ngn pak rossid bru tau !

  4. aaa, tidakk. jgn azie jgnn.. azie syg ifa kannn XD
